brain joy
16 October 2009
10:57 AM - guess. what.
wayne coyne is my dad.
We jam together every night and sometimes we get high together while he tells me stories about his trips to Japan and the crazy asian kids he sees there, and other times he helps me on my homework while he cooks a really bangin' dinner... only sometimes he burns them. Like the other night, he was trying to make an Italian vegan dinner with like, pasta puttanesca and some really yummy canolis and some good wine. Only he burned the sauce and the pasta was rubbery. But the best part were the canolis. HE MAKES THE BEST CANOLIS. So all we ate for dinner were a hundred canolis.......... i think it was the best dinner ever, I could've died right then.
yeah, my dad's so cool. :)
PS. He and his musician friends also got me a bunch of pink balloons as a late birthday/early anti-v day gift.... they're so cool because they never run out of helium. Favorite gift ever! I love balloons <3
See, I have proof:
[30 Sep 2007 | Sunday]
6:22 PM - so you probably already know that wayne coyne is my dad /edited
it's true. (<- link to the above post)
- the COOLEST, yo!
He made me an owl puppet. It doesn't fit my hand, but it's okay.
13 October 2009

i wrote something pretty cool yesterday.
'i believe the only real death is not remembering and not seeking who you are and who came before you. one day i will die and eventually become an ancestor; i hope to never be forgotten. i just want to sear Who We Are into my children's and children's children's and children's childrens's children's minds- so they know (without thinking) Who They Are. i want to visit them in their sleep and whisper dreams of the land of the morning in a language they somehow understand but cannot speak. i will enter their dreams and tell them about the Golden Rule and how We Are All One. they will gather on a tall hill over looking fields of rice. as we all sit under a banana tree i start telling the stories i finally discovered when i died, they will wonder, "who is this woman?"'
well, i thought it was cool.
26 September 2009
20 September 2009
28 August 2009
08 August 2009
05 August 2009
03 August 2009
30 July 2009

(being british automatically puts a guy at the top in my book.)
i'm looking forward to seeing 'adam'.
and i still kind of want to see 'confessions of a shopaholic'.
i really hope this blog doesn't turn out to be an 'OMGGGboyzzzz' blog. it kind of already is turning into one. but it's not.
currently watching

- radcliffe on 'the journey is the destination'
29 July 2009

Kinds of Friends to Cultivate
1. Friends that help us tell right from wrong. They let us know when our conduct is admirable and are not afraid to tell us when we behave poorly. Such friends help us to stay on the right path.
2. Friends that are compassionate and caring. They give us moral support during our trying times. They are also happy for us when we are doing well.
3. Friends that are always ready to extend a helping hand. They are pillars of strength. They help us stay focused and come to our aid when we are lost.
4. Friends that share our aspirations. Such friends provide us with encouragement and are not hesitant to share their time and resources.
Kinds of Friends to Avoid
1. Friends that never show their true intentions. These people are not trustworthy or sincere and take advantage of others with no remorse.
2. Friends that are envious of others’ good fortune and success. They constantly wallow in bitterness and resentment.
3. Friends that have hearts of stone. They only think about themselves and fail to see or care about others’ predicaments.
4. Friends that do not acknowledge their own mistakes. They are quick to place blame on others, instead of being willing to learn and grow from their own foolish conduct.
5. Friends that refuse to accept advice from others. Their minds are closed and their character is arrogant.
click here.
28 July 2009

male cougar = manther?
my older man/ old man crushes- in no particular order:
1. john cusack
2. jon stewart
3. stephen colbert
4. matthew macfadyen
5. ioan gruffudd
6. alan rickman (don't ask.)
7. hugh jackman
8. hugh grant (he was so handsome in college)
9. rory's dad on 'gilmore girls'
10. eric bana
'not older man, but kind of too old to be my man' crushes:
1. seth rogen
2. justin barth
3. milo ventimiglia
5. brandon flowers
6. sam from season 3 of top chef (hot diabetes guy)
7. james franco
8. ryan gosling
9. curtis stone
'damn, i think he's gay...' crush:
1. zachary quinto
there's probably more.
27 July 2009

christian audigier, you are a geniu$ for creating a brand some american$ will go nut$ after.
whilst in santa monica last thursday for a celebration of a friend's birthday and a going-away-to-college party, i encountered funny things.
i can remember clearly:
90 per cent of my guy friends styled their hair BEFORE going to the beach (one of them used a straightener); they checked themselves on the reflection of the car; and they styled their hair again.
and i think two of them complained about getting tanner.
*really, girls?
also. ~27 toyota prius's total, not including accidental-double/triple-counts.
*just teasing them- they're great guys. well.. most of them are. :)